How are tanzanite usually treated?

How are tanzanite usually treated?

Tanzanite is typically heat-treated to enhance its color and maximize its beauty. The majority of tanzanite gemstones on the market undergo this treatment process. The heat treatment is a standard practice in the tanzanite industry and is widely accepted.

The heat treatment of tanzanite involves heating the gemstone to high temperatures, usually around 600 to 800 degrees Celsius (1112 to 1472 degrees Fahrenheit). This process helps to eliminate any brownish or yellowish tones in the stone and intensifies its blue and violet hues, which are the most desirable colors for tanzanite.

The heat treatment is done using ovens or furnaces in controlled environments. The gemstones are carefully heated for a specific duration, and the process is closely monitored to ensure the desired color enhancement is achieved without causing any damage to the stone.

It's important to note that the heat treatment of tanzanite is considered a permanent enhancement. Once the treatment is completed, the color change is stable and will not fade or alter over time with proper care.

It's also worth mentioning that while heat treatment is the most common and accepted method for treating tanzanite, there are other treatments, such as coating or irradiation, that are not widely practiced or accepted within the industry. It's essential to purchase tanzanite from reputable sources and jewelers who disclose any treatments performed on the gemstone, ensuring transparency and providing you with accurate information about the stone you're purchasing.

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